Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Final idea

We have finally come up with a main plan of what we want the story to be based on. We like the hotel we have looked around t different spaces we can use to set each scene. Also looked at lighting to see what effects we can use. 

Now what we need to do is go back to the text of the play and see what bits we can fit in to relate to te story. 

We like the idea of how hero is left at her own wedding and this is why she could kill herself. Also b&b we can let them argue and how there marriage is ruined yet they love each other still. 

Also. We are going to look at some other characters we can look into what they are doing .

Went over pitch aswell just seeing what bits we are doing. 

Are main forucs is to play on the mind games in the piece and how it's all slow motion and then we are wanting to make it werid. The main thing is this is all in someone else's mind. 

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